Archive for April, 2013

Rita MacNeil

Hi Everyone!

I was so saddened to hear that the lovely Rita MacNeil passed over.

One of my fondest memories is when my sister Diane (Lavender Lady) and I went to Cape Breton and visited Rita’s teahouse.

We had such fun. Here is my sister and I sipping our tea with our Rita cups!

The food was wonderful and we said wouldn’t it be so cool if Rita popped by! Well we looked out the window and lo and behold guess who was coming in.

After lunch we asked if she would mind us taking a picture with her. Being so lovely she said yes even though I’m sure she just wanted to be left alone to have her tea.

This picture is a treasured one.

The world is a little less bright without Rita in it. God Bless you Rita and thank you for being You!

Quote for you:

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination
and life to everything.ā€ Plato

Until we meet again, Sharon


Boston Marathon

April 15th, 2013 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Sending Prayers and Healing to the many people affected by the Boston Marathon Bombings.

May God hold you all in his Hands.

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Let the Worry Bird Worry for You

April 13th, 2013 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hello Dear Friends.

How are you this glorious morning? The birds are singing and the temperature is rising! Gotta love that.

The other day when talking to the lovely Angela she mentioned something about a Worry Bird. I can’t quite remember the story entirely but she mentioned something about a worry bird necklace that people would touch when they had a worry.

Not letting the grass grow under my feet….hee hee…I immediately had to have one. I went onto the internet and found my little worry bird.

I received it yesterday. Look how cute it is. I just copied this one from ebay but it’s the same thing.

Now mine is up right this one seems a little drunk! No wonder he isn’t worrying, giggle. The bottom says let me do your worrying. How adorable eh?

I knew there had to be a story to it so I started digging and there is a song from Two Tickets to Broadway called “Let the Worry Bird Do the Worrying for you”. I found it on youtube for you but can’t copy here for some reason known only to the Computer Gods.

It did work for my Sugarmoon Cottage blog though so you can see here!

Such delightful fun.

Thanks Angela!

Quote for you:

ā€œDo not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.ā€ Benjamin Franklin

Well said Mr. Franklin.

Until we meet again, Sharon

If you are looking for an in person reading with Sharon call 289-939-SEER (7337) and Monique will be happy to book your appointment.


Listen to Your Heart!

April 03rd, 2013 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hi Everyone!

It’s been a long time since I wrote on this blog. The Betwixt and Between blog and the Current Buzz has kind of taken over and I have been ignoring this one!

I have been thinking about how sometimes we try and control our lives when really we just have to let go and let spirit take over the drivers seat. Well we still have to walk forward but we have to learn how to listen.

Last night I had a dream it was very clear and the words were “It’s all ok. It all works out in the End.”

It’s so true isn’t it? We might go this way or that way but it all works out in the end.

I like that.

Quote for you:

“In making decisions regarding your life consider only what your heart says as this life has been granted to you and you alone.” Author Unknown

Until we meet again, Sharon

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