Archive for April, 2012

By George I think I’ve Got it!

April 15th, 2012 | Category: Exciting News,Musings by Sharon

Hi Everyone.

Major problems with my blog (well my laptops). My wonderful web designer, Mouth Media,  told me to switch to firefox for the blog and I think its going to work! yippy!

So I’m back…..again.

I hope everyone is doing great. I missed you terribly.

I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching which comes easy to me but hard in a way that my mind opens twenty doors at once.

I’m sending out a newsletter in the next few days (promise) so I will tell you about what I’ve found.

Lots of new things happening. I’m working on a new website called “Sugarmoon Cottage” and I’m totally pumped about that. It’s going to be the central place for all my adventures.I found a wonderful cartoon fellow on Fiverr who I will share with you also! He’s helping me with images for the site.

Here is the wonderful new one he did for psychic cottage:

Psychic Cottage

Psychic Cottage

Isn’t it cute! I’ll give you his information in the newsletter. Don’t want to temp fate with my new blog here in case it goes off on a tangent by putting in a link.

I’ll give you a hint as to the work I have been seeking.

Quotes for you:

“The world is nothing but my perception of it.
I see only through myself.
I hear only through the filter of my story.”

“Byron Katie”

“Throw everything away, forget about it all!
You are learning too much,
remembering too much, trying too hard…
relax a little bit, give life a chance to flow its own way,
unassisted by your mind and effort.
Stop directing the river’s flow!”


Until we meet again, Sharon


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