Archive for November, 2009

Ringing Cedar Series

Good Morning Dear Friends.

How are you this day? I pray that success and abundance are following you. Have I told you lately that Success looks good on you?

So the other day I was thinking “man life is getting so convoluted and complicated”. I felt like I just wanted to feel a bit of peace in my life if only for a moment.

As I was going through this “poor me” episode I received an email from the wonderful Rebecca Marina.

Her emails are hilarious and her website offers tons of freebies. All of it is fun and gets your energy hopping so I paid attention to this serendipitous moment.

The title of her email was “A book like no other I have ever read”.

It’s been a long time since I have felt like reading a book and I thought well this is as good a sign as any.

I went on line and there was one at the Oshawa Centre (another sign) so off I went.

The book is called Anastasia by Vladimir Megre.

It is the first of 9 books and they are called the “Ringing Cedar Series”.

There is a certain energy to the book. At first I was reading and thinking I’m not quite sure if I’m getting this one but then about the 108th page I’m like this is feeling good. I feel a little different. I can feel a simplicity coming over me and a sudden need to unload certain things from my life.

I had the urge to cleanse and to look to my future.

Now anyone I know reading this connecting the word “cleanse” with my name will get the giggles but I assure you all albiet an odd feeling the feeling is there.

I also sense that there is a message in this book for me. It feels like a message from one of the Seven Sisters who seem to always show up in my life at times of spiritual development.

Sure the world is still crazy all around me as it was before but I’m feeling this inner feeling like something is going on that is very very important and the answer may be connected to this series of books.

So if you get a chance to read this book give it a go. Keep me posted of your feelings about it.

Now excuse me I have this sudden urge to plan my raspberry garden for the spring.

Quote for you:

“The Wisdom of life consists in the elimination of nonessentials.” Lin Yutang

Until we meet Again,


The Psychic Cottage


It was a Miracle Kind of Day

Hello Dear Friends.

I’m sorry for my tardiness. Time flies when chaos happens.

I have to tell you about my cool day.

I was at work minding my own business doing my work thing when I look over to my cubicle partner and he has out his camera.

Well I come alive which I’m sure startled the h*ll out of him because he probably thought I was sleeping and I’m like OMG OMG OMG can you take a picture of something for me.

Now this was a NICE camera so I thought immediately of my Heavenly Honey Nut Cheerio. If anything could capture its beauty it was his camera.

He was looking at me kind of odd as I’m sure most people never know what’s going to come out of my mouth at any given second and he is like “ok” in this noncomitted voice.

Well out comes my Heavenly Honey Nut Cheerio. I knew I had to leave it at work and I knew it would get its debut in the Blog World.

Drum roll please……are you ready………Tadaaa

Is that not by far the coolest thing you have ever seen! Not photo shop an actual Honey Nut Cheerio in my own bowl.

Miracles right before our very own eyes!

So after he takes the picture, puts it on my computer for me to send home, helps me fix the mess I got into when trying to do that he says Sharon look outside. Well there was the most beautiful Rainbow you have ever seen.

God is Good.

Thanks Jean you are one great cubicle partner.

I think I’m going to frame my picture.

Quote for you

“Miracles happen everyday, change your perception of what a miracle is and you’ll see them all around you.” Jon Bon Jovi

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage


An Angel in My Life.

November 19th, 2009 | Category: Gems Along the Way,Musings by Sharon

Hello Dear Friends.

How are you this frosty morning? You can feel winter just starting to show its face and say “I’m Back“.

This blog is about the strength I see in people and the gift that God has given me of being able to provide certain tools to them, stand back and watch them blossom from struggle to being in the zone.

I’ve had this experience in the last week or so.

I’m changing my friends name as it wouldn’t be fair so we are going to call her “Lynne”.

Lynne saw me when I did the show for Alva and said it felt like I was talking to her on the television. The interesting part is that we had already been talking about getting together before the television show but she didn’t drive and asked if somehow we could get together.

It all worked out as divine things always do and I went to see her at her lovely home.

Upon entering Lynne’s home I was very familiar with her and her surroundings for some reason. I was sent for a reason.

As I got into the reading I noticed that fear was stopping her from moving forward. I was truly blessed that she allowed me into her space as I was thinking “trust” wasn’t something that came easily to her.

This fear is not something anyone can judge as we all know “there but for the grace of God go I” and we all have experienced this fear once in our lives.

I looked at a wonderful, articulate, proud and lovely woman caught in the web of life and frightened that she did not deserve to move forward.

I’ve been there many times in my own way and I was glad that the Universe gave me a few tools to give to her so that she can turn into the wonderful butterfly that is awaiting her.

It’s not always easy and it takes a lot of guts to get unstuck. It takes a constant reminder to move forward even in the face of one’s  little (or big) ups and downs but I know in my heart of hearts that she will do  it.

How special is she that the Universe played its game of chess and allowed us to meet so they could work through me and allow her to grow. I’m thinking we are all this special and we have to awaken to the possibilities of life change.

No matter how bad it is there is always a silver lining. My son taught me this one.

It’s funny because it might look like it is her that is the one who is receiving but it is truly me.

“Lynne” gave me the gift of seeing my life differently and living more in the moment. Her strength made me ashamed of my weaknesses, and her pride made me appreciate everything in my life. Good and bad.

She wrote to me in an email my new special friend that “God has sent me an Angel” but I know in my heart of hearts that it is the other way around and truly God has allowed this Angel to be in my life.

Congratulations “Lynne” stay in the flow and get ready to move forward and receive the good that life has to offer.

Quote for you:

“There is tremendous power within you. Happiness will come to you when you acquire a sublime confidence in this power. Then, you will make your dreams come true.” Dr. Joseph Murphy

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage


Why are the Boobs the First Thing to Go?

November 17th, 2009 | Category: Musings by Sharon,whining

Hello Dear Friends. I got your attention didn’t I?

This blog isn’t going to be too deep in case you are wondering. Man I crack me up.

So this is the scoop. For the blog friends who are just reading my blog for the first time I’ll give you a little background to my madness here.

Recently (in August) I went to this amazing hypnotherapist who in my blogs is called Dr. Angelface. The reason for his incognito name  is that it is impossible to get an appointment as he is booked for months in advance. I read somewhere on line that there is a lady in the states who does the same thing and charges $600 an hour. OMG can you imagine? Although I’m sure that’s how much in the end most of these weight loss clinics cost.

So since August I have lost 21 pounds and I feel amazing. I only went to him for weight loss 4 times and I have changed my whole way of eating and never looked back. I went from living on chocolate and sugar to eating healthy, counting calories, exercising (yes exercising), and basically its not a big deal anymore to eat. Now I’m the diet queen so I know what its like to be on a diet and this is nothing like that. It’s like he took me into a space where I got rid of all the garbage that made me eat things I shouldn’t. I said to him its not like you hypnotized me its like you dehypnotized me to remember what I’m supposed to be like. He agreed that this is true. I think he said yes if you overfeed a child it throws up. This is kind of the truth so it made sense to me.

What this email is about is not about whether hypnotherapy works as I’m living proof but its about why does life play these mean jokes on us? I lose the weight and where does it come off the most. My butt you say? NOT. My stomach? NO not at all.  My arms? Don’t be silly. It comes off my boobs and my neck. My neck is long anyway (there had to be a hanging in those there past lives) and now its all skinny (and wrinkley I must add) it looks like in those National Geographic magazines where the women put rings on their neck to make it long. Also I kind of liked my boobs  before and now they are all kind of deflated.

Don’t get me wrong. I love being thinner then I was and I know without a shadow of a doubt that the weight loss will continue until I reach my goal of 150 but I really wish we got to tell God where we want it to come off of us and where we want it to stay.

So that’s it for me. I’m only being silly here I hope you know. I am totally grateful for everything in my life whether I am big or small and for my health. I’m also grateful that the Universe brought me to Dr. Angelface because without him I would never have had the courage to lose weight.

Two quotes for you today:

“To promise not to do a thing is the surest way in the world to make a body want to go and do that very thing.” Mark Twain.

“Life itself is the proper binge.” Julia Child

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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The Curve Ball

November 16th, 2009 | Category: Musings by Sharon,Ponderings

Good morning my dear and wonderful Friends. Welcome to the TPC Blog.

I hope all your dreams are coming true and that each step you take is one filled with serendipitous moments.

I’ve been pondering life today. It is strange isn’t it? I always say its like a giant pendulum of balance.

It’s so important and much easier to keep your pendulum as calm as possible. Highs and Lows are probably not your best choice.

I read Esther Hicks and Abraham says everything that comes in is a direct result of our thoughts. It makes me think though how special do we have to be so that we can be in that space of awareness. We all do our best to stay positive and bring only this magical good into our life but sometimes “life happens”.

I know where the saying “other shoe is going to drop” came from when I think of this pendulum of life.

I thought of something my son said the other day when we were going into the house. I said to him now the house is a “little” messy. Well he got this huge smile and said “now that’s a curve ball”. He cracks me up.

I thought of this saying though and that is what life is like sometimes. You are going along your merry way thinking this is it life is taking off to that wonderful place of being untouchable and the pendulum switches the curve ball comes out of no where and you are digging out of another lesson.

I guess that’s why we are here on this glorious Earth anyway to learn as well as help others with what we have learned as we all know that with knowledge comes responsibility right? I guess power too.

So that’s it my pondering for the day. Keep your intuition up and your baseball glove and bat ready and remember as bad as it gets is as good as it gets too.

Love and blessings to you all my Friends.

Quote for you:

“Life throws you curve balls, but you either learn to swerve them or hit them like there is no tomorrow.” Sadie Christman

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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A Message from Heaven in my Cereal Bowl

November 09th, 2009 | Category: Musings by Sharon,Now that's Peculiar.

Hi Everyone. Welcome to the TPC blog.

Are you enjoying the warmer weather. A little treat before the snow comes.

Today I write about something silly.

I love Honey Nut Cheerios. They are the perfect food. If you are a bit hungry they work if you are a lot hungry they work.

So today at work i was eating my HN cheerios and I looked down and I couldn’t believe it. Right on top was one of the little cheerios with the perfect heart in it instead of a round hole.

I was so happy. It was a sign from the Universe. It had to be.

Ok it wasn’t a weeping picture or anything but it was so damn cool.

I have kept it safe in my drawer at work for now.

If I was a good photographer I would take a picture of it for this blog but I’m sorry my skills are limited even if I could find my camera.

So there it sits in my desk my perfect little HN Cheerio with a heart in it.

I didn’t leave it out because the cleaners would throw it out not knowing it is a sign from the Heavens that I am loved.

Yes I’m a bit loopy but I do have fun!

Quote for you:

“Silly is you in a natural state, and serious is something you have to do until you can get silly again.” Mike Myers

Until we Meet Again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

Check out Picture here.

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Be Grateful for Everything you Have.

November 08th, 2009 | Category: Musings by Sharon

My Dear Blog Friends. Have I told you lately that I am grateful you come and visit my Blog. If not I just want to say Thank You and that I appreciate your coming.

I was talking to a client/friend today and I was mentioning to her that it is important to be grateful which we of course all know and I started listing some of her things she has to be grateful for.

When I came home I realized that I too have so many things to be grateful for. it’s always nice to do readings because a lot that comes through applies to me too.

I was coming home to a man I love to a house that is safe knowing that my loving family  and many friends are all a phone call away and we are all healthy. Wow I felt in awe and humbled for what the Universe has provided for me.

Sometimes fear gets in and we don’t even realize it and our faith goes out the window. When we are strong though and have a strong connection to spirit  fear doesn’t even enter into it. It’s like the world is there for us with magic in every corner.

Two LONG quotes for you that work.

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” Melody Beattie

“You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law: the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given to you. ” Sarah Ban Breathnach

Be well my Friends and thank you for being you.

Until we Meet Again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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Neat Happenings – Signs are Everywhere if you Listen

November 03rd, 2009 | Category: Gems Along the Way,Musings by Sharon

Hello Dear Blog Friends. How are you this day?

I received an email today from a Friend who for the purposes of this blog I’m going to call Linda. Not her real name.

She had the funniest story to tell. I see both her and her husband, hmmm…..Ted, as clients and friends.

Ted was getting a message to make an appointment to see me but dismissed it and didn’t end up calling.

Linda knew none of this. The Angel that she is she made me a present. It was a rock with my name on it. I have not seen it yet but after the story behind it I’m thinking it is quite magical. (Actually I have been asking for a rock too now that I think about it. I wanted one with some energy tied to it. Thanks!)

Linda put the rock in a safe place until she saw me.

She put it in the living room on her bookshelf. Ted gets ready to take their dog out for a walk and doesn’t the little dog go over to the bookshelf put the rock she made me in his mouth and go for his walk with Ted. Ted was none the wiser about the dog picking up this rock on the way.

When they got home the dog went upstairs and put the rock at the top of the stairs for Ted to see. Ted still doesn’t see it. Finally the dog takes the rock and drops it at Ted’s feet. Ted picks up the rock sees my name on it and then realizes that he is supposed to call for an appointment. I guess I have a message for him from spirit or something.

Isn’t that the cutest story?

My Friend said “Dogs surely are our silent messingers.”

Here’s a quote for you:

“Dogs are miracles with paws.” Attributed to Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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Happy Birthday Darlene

November 02nd, 2009 | Category: Gems Along the Way,Musings by Sharon

Good Morning Blog Friends. Welcome to the TPC Blog.

The hour change is just plain weird. Here I am at 5 in the morning working on my computer. I should be sleeping. Then as a result of this I will get so tired early until I get used to the change. I’m sure it has the same affect on others.

I have been using my Netti Pot as well as gargling with Listerine whenever I can  to do my best to stay away from this flu that’s going around. Sending blessings out to everyone who has contacted it and blessings to keep well my dear friends.

So today is my sister-in-law Darlene’s Birthday. Darlene is a great sister-in-law she is really more like a sister as she has been in my life forever. You can see that by her being sprinkled all through my blog about our different adventures.

I have been blessed in my life to not only have the best sister but the best sister in law that the Universe can provide. God is good.

My sister in law is an amazing friend and she  is a wonderful Mother and Grandmother. She has a great smile and always is concerned about us all. Some sister-in-laws’ think only of “their” side. Darlene is nothing like this. We are just as important to her as “her” side. We are very very lucky that my brother picked her or she chose him.

Darlene loves to travel and is always going to some far place with my brother. I always look forward to hearing about their next trip.

Love you lots Darlene and I’m glad you are you and that you chose our family to be in.

Quote for you:

“A sister  is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life.” Isadora James

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage


Best Eyebrows in Town

November 01st, 2009 | Category: Gems Along the Way,Musings by Sharon

Hello Everyone. How are you this evening? Isn’t it freezing out? I am anyway. I guess I just have the chills.

Well it has been a busy few days that’s for sure.

This blog is kind of for women. Men can share with the women in their life if they want to.

As you know I was on the Alva Show and I didn’t know what to do about makeup. I really am not a makeup person. Give me some Noxema and I’m on my way. I understand though if you don’t wear make up on television you look like a ghost. Alva gave me the name of this wonderful make-up artist named Kelly. The name of her company is Makeup in Motion.

I was totally taken in with Kelly’s professional approach and her amazing business sense. She has it happening for sure.

I just love when people love what they do day to day. It is just so exciting for me to watch someone in the zone.

So Kelly comments on my eyebrows being a bit bushy and I’m like you do eyebrows? She’s like yes. I really don’t like getting my eyebrows done because I pay my money they go zip zip and half the time they take off the little end and I look dorky (‘er). Also these little ends are hard to grow back. Especially the older you get. Kelly didn’t charge as much as I normally pay plus when you get so many done you get one wax for free! See what I mean she’s an amazing business woman.  I’m hooked and let me tell you  Kelly is an Eyebrow Queen.

She was so careful and it took her quite a while as I’m thinking she is quite the perfectionist. I’m so glad I got them done because I love my new eyebrows. It does make all the difference in the world. You don’t realize it until they are done right.

(I wanted Bobby to take a picture of my eyes to show you but our camera has disappeared in all the clutter.)

So I left there with my face full of makeup and looking kind of swanky. I hope it worked on the television and I didn’t look too crazy.  I haven’t seen the show yet.

Kelly also teaches you how to put on your own day to day makeup. Isn’t that cool? I always wanted to be able to do my own makeup. I love when women are able to do eyeliner by themselves. It’s a thing I just haven’t mastered. It’s for sure on my to do list.

Get this too she had a brush made out of squirrel? Apparently this is normal. I had this funny little visualization about them catching squirrels for this purpose.

So that’s what I wanted to share with you. Make sure you give her a call for your make up needs. You will be glad you did.

Quote for you:

“I love the confidence that makeup gives me.” Tyra Banks

“It’s fun to be a woman. It’s fun to flirt and wear makeup and have boobs.” Eva Mendes

(I warned you guys.)

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage