Archive for June, 2010

Do you Think I’m One of Santa’s Elf’s?

June 01st, 2010 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Good Morning Everyone. Welcome.

I had the weirdest dream just before waking.

I remember being somewhere and we only had one flying machine and who shows up but Tim Allen with more machines.

My older boy, younger boy, ex husband, current husband, some girl I don`t know and my Landlord for the Shop Jenny and her partner oh yes Tim Allen all take off in these lawn mower type machines. I wasn`t anticipating that they flew.

I remember holding onto the little handle on top and I remember when it went off the building and felt like it was plummetting to the ground but then started to fly it was an unbelievable feeling. I remember saying to Bobby I love this part.

We were high up in the sky and I remember seeing an arrow that was a cloud. When we got close a friend of mine Heather was walking in the air and we chatted a bit. She said we were close.  I said to Peter (my son) why doesn`t she need a machine to go on.

In the dream we were picking up presents for everyone (I mean everyone) for Christmas which was fine but when we got there we had to explain why we deserve to pick up the presents. I was helping everyone find their good points so they could be part of the crew for picking up the presents for everyone. (You would think that would be enough that we wanted to fly all over the universe for others but they seemed to need this.)

Then the phone rang and I left this dream. Too bad I wanted to fly back.

I have to tell you I haven`t had a flying dream in so long. I guess I was just waiting for my flying machine.

I know what you are thinking. She sure had a bender last night but I don`t drink or do drugs. Who knows what my imagination is up to  however.  Especially when I`m asleep.

Interpretations are welcome.

Quote for you:

“When I dream, I am ageless.“   Elizabeth Coatsworth

 Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage 

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