Archive for March, 2010

Just Brilliant!

March 03rd, 2010 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Welcome dear Friends to The Psychic Cottage Blog. I’m so happy you could come visit.

I found out about something today that is just so brilliant.

Someone told me about this bank that is offering a very unique way of saving. What happens is every time you swipe your card to buy something it puts money in your savings account. Hello? Is that not the best idea you have ever heard of.

I’m not talking about the savings really as much as the switch in our thinking and the law of attraction in action.

When we spend we are thinking (I don’t care who you are) of something going “out” of your account. It doesn’t matter if there are millions in there or you are in the negative you are still spending. Our brains and emotions are thinking of something coming out.

When this idea happens every time you swipe or spend or whatever your brain switches to saving and all the good things that go with that.

It’s green too which is thinking positive in the money department. (Oh I wasn’t going to mention the bank and now you know who it is.)

OO la la. Is that no so cool? I love it. Way to go Bank. I wonder if they were even thinking about the impact on the Universe when they did it.

Even though I don’t bank there I think I’m going to get an account. Woo hoo!

Quote for you:

“There is a certain Buddhistic calm that comes from having….money in the bank.” Tom Robbins

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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Where’s our Noni Juice

March 02nd, 2010 | Category: Musings by Sharon,whining

Hello Everyone. How are you? Isn’t today wonderful? God is good.

Have you ever tried Noni Juice? It is amazing stuff. You don’t know how amazing until you run out of it and after a few days you start feeling like the magic is out of your step and everything is just harder then it used to be.

We are in that place as our supplier stopped supplying and we are waiting for it to arrive from the company as we had to order it ourselves.

I can’t explain but when I’m taking my little ounce a day I can accomplish anything. I literally do not stop ever and I’m always excited to finish something and start something new but without my Noni I feel like resting a lot.  I’m tired and cranky. When I have my Noni I feel at peace.

It allows me to be Pollyanna. Kind of like this:

“In my world, everyone’s a pony and they all eat rainbows and poop butterflies!” Dr. Seuss

Where or where is our Noni Juice?

So that’s it just wanted to complain a bit to you. Sorry.

Quote for you:

“Oh, wouldn’t the world seem dull and flat with nothing whatever to grumble at?”  ~.S. Gilbert

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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Push or Pull

March 01st, 2010 | Category: Musings by Sharon,Now that's Peculiar.,Ponderings

Hello Dear Friends. How are you? Oh its getting warmer by the day I’m thinking spring is coming real soon!

I have been pondering something lately. We have a door on the kitchen of our office at work and it is a clear door and you can either push it or pull it depending on what you feel like doing.

It has always intrigued me that some people pull  it and some people push it when going in or out. I always pulled it until I realized it went both ways and then I’m a total push girl. Pushing is easy to do. You can even use your butt if you have your hands full of coffee or tea or whatever.

Pulling is hard. It takes effort.

I wanted to ask people who pull what kind of people they are? Is life easy or hard for them? I wanted to take a poll (pardon the sort of pun – poll/pull)

Where I’m going with this is that life is kind of like that. Once you figure out that it’s easier to get in the zone and go with the flow life gets easy. Of course there are days we still pull but I’m thinking I want to push to keep my hands free to catch the many miracles coming when I ease through life.

Quote for you:

“Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free. Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate.” Chuang Tzu

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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