Archive for June, 2009

Braids – Taya Another Little Earth Angel

June 12th, 2009 | Category: Gems Along the Way,Musings by Sharon

Hello Everyone. Good morning to you. It sure looks delicious out there.

Just did my morning news review and I came across the sweetest story.

This little earth Angel Taya was at a reading by Robert Munsch and he gave her a story as she reminded him of a character.

Taya took this one step further seeing a chance to help the Children of Bukati with Aids and Braids was born.

How proud we should all be of this little Earth Angel that took something good that happened to her and shared it with the world.

I believe that is the sign of a born healer. Allowing things to happen and then taking that one thing and instead of keeping it all for themselves transforming it into healing for others. It’s a brave and selfless thing to do. It can move mountains and surely change the world as we know it.

God bless you Taya and Robert Munsch.

I love Robert Munsch. Interestingly yesterday Bobby and I were at Chapters and we saw the book Love you Forever. I remember when my boys were little reading that book over and over and over to them. It would bring a tear to me every time. When he snuck back in and held his mother. OMG I’m tearing up even now just talking about it.

I used to sing it to them

♪ “I’ll love you forever…….my baby you’ll be.”♫

Bobby said do you remember how to sing it and I sung it to him.

Let’s all send prayers for Mr. Munsch’s healing as I understand he is not well at the moment.

Here’s the Article link and here’s how to buy the book.All proceeds go to help. How cool is that?

Thank you Taya for the light you are sharing with the world.

Two quotes from Mother Teresa for you:

“True holiness consists in doing God’s Will with a smile.” Mother Teresa

“Let’s do something beautiful for God.” Mother Teresa

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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Shhh I’m Manifesting my Castle

June 11th, 2009 | Category: Gems Along the Way,Musings by Sharon

Hello my Dear Friends. What’s new in your world?

Things here are quiet yet have the feeling of something coming on the wind. Oh that sounded so much like the movie Chocolate. If you haven’t seen it make sure you do. An amazing movie. Well what Johnny Depp movie isn’t good. Did you see he has a new one coming out. OO la la.

Oops I always get off track don’t I. Mr. Depp does that to me.

Why I’m writing today is that every day I get a quote from Abraham. You can sign up here.

The eerie part is they are sometimes exactly what you need to hear that day. Well I guess not eerie but more serendipitous.

Today’s quote was:

“When you understand the Laws, then you understand that it is not more difficult to create a castle than it is a button. They are equal. It is not more difficult to create $10 million than $100,000. It is the same application of the same Law to two different intentions.” Abraham

After reading that I thought I’m taking my intentions up a bar or so. “I have a castle with $10 million in the bank.” Oh ya.

I guess why it doesn’t work sometimes is that my mind or ego immediately giggles its head off saying “sure honey and don’t forget the moat to keep all your riches in”. Hmm, maybe I need a little more work.

Quote for you:

“Life is a series of delicious moments.” Abraham Hicks

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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Some People are Just so Much Fun!

Hello Dear Blog Friends.

The summer is surely bouncing along nicely isn’t it? I’m having a hard time getting things done but I’m having tons of fun.

Energy seems to be on hold for some reason. There is a calm feeling lurking around.

I just noticed the “e” on my keyboard is stuck. Hmm. Probably a sun flower seed cover. I’m totally addicted to those things. I can’t stop eating them notwithstanding the damage they do. I’m sure Bobby won’t be amused at this. I’m finding it humorous though for some odd reason.

I knew I should have bought one of those rubber things that go on the keyboard. Just kidding. They creep me out. Kind of like those plastic covers they used to put on the sofa. Euew.

Anyway why I am writing today has nothing to do with sunflower seeds.

I found a site and the woman is so great. Her energy is just lovely. I took her free class last night and I so enjoyed it.

Her name is Rebecca Marina and you can find her site here.

When you sign up for her newsletter you get a free book that is really interesting. She even mentions Vimala whom I of course adore and have talked about before in other blogs.

The illustration  work on her site is so cute and fun. The energy being so light it makes you forget about problems.

Laughter I’m sure pushes our energy up a few degrees.

So have a visit and let me know what you think. She is lovely and is always giving.

The quote today has been replaced by a story:

“A wise woman who was travelling in the mountains found a precious stone in a stream. The next day she met another traveller who was hungry, and the wise woman opened her bag to share her food. The hungry traveller saw the precious stone and asked the woman to give it to him. She did so without hesitation. The traveler left, rejoicing in his good fortune. He knew the stone was worth enough to give him security for a lifetime. But a few days later he came back to return the stone to the wise woman. “I’ve been thinking.” he said, “I know how valuable the stone is, but I give it back in the hope that you can give me something even more precious. Give me what you have within you that enabled you to give me the stone.” The Wise Woman’s Stone – Author Unknown

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage


Dr. Seuss is Living in the Big O!

June 06th, 2009 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hello my Dear Friends. How are you this splendid day? It surely is a beautiful one. God is good.

So poor Martin (our Matrix) had a bit of a problem and his computer went. It cost $700. What is up with that? It’s so new. Not sure if we would buy a Toyota again. It seems to have hit 200,000 and its costing more every month. Not wanting to put those negative words in print and out to the universe but its the truth.  I’m not sure if its the mileage,  if its because it is becoming the end of our payments or its because my husband was yelling at them a few maintenances ago about something or other. Nonetheless its all fixed up and back on track.

Honda is the way to go. Mine has 300,000 on it and my brothers’ has 500,000. Oh ya. Keep on ticking. Touch wood. Gotta love it.

So I’m driving Ms. Daisy home from dropping Bobby off and I see something I’ve never seen before. This person had carved up their cedars so that it was all round and smooth and then it had these round balls on top like globes. So smooth and pretty. In the middle it had three balls on top of each other. It was perfectly done. It was just so theme park. I was looking around for Johnny Depp dressed as Edward Scissorhands. It reminded me of Dr. Seuss.

I kind of weirded me out a bit though. After I saw it I was like in my mind….its pretty….no its weird… its peculiar…..hmmm…..its fantastic….aaaah..that’s it “its damn good blog material”.

Our cedars are not that polished. We just let them grow where they want, up and up to the sky, sideways, backwards wherever their heart desires. We are making a statement. Bobby won’t cut anything. I think its his Native background. “All are my relations” is his favorite saying. If a tree comes pushing its way out of our Cedars sideways it has as much a right to be there as us. It has to be making us very uncomfortable before it gets chopped and even then there is an offering and ritual that is done.  I shouldn’t say too much because you will know we are “that” house.

The neighbours beside us ( I discussed their “stick fort” in another blog) decided to chop a bunch of our cedars at the front of our house. Bobby was chicken to confront them so I went over as they were partying hardy in their garage (yes the Big O stands for Oshawa) and said “tell me are these cedars yours or ours?”. The couple indicating that they are on their property. I’m not sure if it’s true as our boulevard of grass goes beyond that point but I didn’t want to argue with them really. They half chopped it down and when they did that they cut down a beautiful young Rowan tree. This made me sad and I thought yikes there is going to be some Karma in that. We felt it an honour that the Rowan tree chose our lot to find its home. Let’s face it hacking down a Rowan Tree (the most powerful and honourable tree around (known as Mountain Ash today)) would make even a well seasoned witch question the Cree of “harm to none”. They might be ok though when they remember that everything we do good and bad comes back tenfold.

Bobby said in old Celtic times if you cut down an Oak tree the Druids would k*ll you, if you cut down a Yew Tree, the Druids would k*ll not only you but everyone in your blood line or with your name. That’s wild eh? (I think that’s what he said I zone out sometimes.)

So that’s it for now. Have a glorious weekend. Enjoy the sunshine and the full moon which I think is tonight.

Quote for you:

“When all the trees have been cut down,
when all the animals have been hunted,
when all the waters are polluted,
when all the air is unsafe to breathe,
only then will you discover you cannot eat money.”~ Cree Prophecy ~

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage


Happy Birthday Bro. and the Power of Forgiveness

June 04th, 2009 | Category: Gems Along the Way,Musings by Sharon

Good Morning my Wonderful Blog Friends. Beautiful Day isn’t it. Thank you, thank you, thank you to our Creator.

Today is my Brothers’ birthday. You can learn more about my great brother friend here.

I am so lucky and totally blessed to have such a wonderful family. We all get along and have each others’ backs.

Sometimes I hear when doing readings of people that don’t talk to their family about some silly argument. They spend their lifetime holding a grudge. What for?

I was talking to my friend and she said she was angry at someone for a long long time and she stopped to think about why she was angry at them and she couldn’t remember.  She thought it was hilarious and I said well then you can let it go and she said not on your life. I’m thinking though as it was all expressed in humour that it was already released. She was just being funny.

Bobby is somewhat like that he holds onto things sometimes.

That is one thing I am learning about reading about Tithing is that things like that block the flow. Holding onto anger doesn’t affect the other person in the least it only affects you. The other person wins (although they probably have long forgotten)  twice. Once by getting away with whatever they did (although everything is divinely guided) and wins again by that block that we allow ourselves to hold onto that stops our flow. Every time you relive the moment the block gets harder and more stuck.

Everyone wants to stir their cauldron many times in their life but we have to remember that forgiveness is such a blessing. It’s hard but remember you are not changing the other person you are only changing yourself. Forgiveness is a gift we give to ourselves.

Have a happy happy day my Brother and may your year be filled with abundance, good health and tons of fun.

Quote for you:

“When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free.” Rev. Catherine Ponder

How so very serendipitous, this quote was first on my list as it said everything I wanted the quote to say and Rev. Catherine Ponder is one of the leading experts on Tithing.

Here’s another that was equally as powerful:

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.” Lewis B. Smedes

Until we Meet Again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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Merrily We Roll Along.

June 02nd, 2009 | Category: Gems Along the Way,Musings by Sharon

Hello Dear Blog Friends. How are you this wonderful night? I pray you are surrounded with God’s good blessings.

I had a fun day today. My sons and I went for a short trip to visit my brother in Peterborough.

It was a lovely drive there. Ok the rap music was a bit trying but I’m learning to go with it. I would have much more loved to listen to the soundtrack of Practical Magic or some of my music but I am open to new things.

I thought we might be in trouble when my older boy said as he was sitting in the back (my younger boy said shotgun before him) I’m bored back here. I knew something was coming soon. I had to just hold my breath and wait. He loves to entertain us.

So I’m driving merrily along when I look back and almost pulled off the road I was laughing so hard. My older boy (now keep in mind he is 27) has on my winter sock monkey hat with the strings tied up underneath his chin in a big bow.  I really shouldn’t be mentioning his age because it is my hat after all and I’m 51. It is a full sock monkey head ears and all. One of my personal favourites. Once I had it on and the gas attendant just wanted me out of the store.  I didn’t realize my whole winter hat collection was back there (I love funky hats) because all the way there he was trying on the different hats keeping us entertained for miles.

Boys will be boys.

I read a really great book today called Giving Thanks The Art of Tithing by Paula Langguth Ryan. It is an interesting subject for sure. I have always been intrigued but couldn’t quite get the whole “give to a structured religion type thing”. It’s really nothing to do with that. The whole idea is to create a vacuum for abundance to arrive while at the same time remembering that God (Universe) is our supply. We think nothing of handing over 50% of our taxes to the government yet we forget a simple exercise that will bring abundance and freedom into our life. Getting started is scary but it has an element of fun too and the rewards are plentiful.

If we practice Give Away a Dollar a Day we know this to be true.

I’ll keep you posted on my adventure.

I’m always onto something.

So that’s it for now my Friends. Have a great night.

Quote for you:

“No one person can wear all the hats all the time.” Proverb

“Though shalt truly tithe all the increase of they seed, that the field bringeth forth year by year.” Bible

Until we Meet Again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage


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